

    It's Now Or Never 這首意大利民謠,'O Sole Mio"(可愛的陽光) 是貓王普利斯萊在德國服兵役的時候聽到而愛上的。 回到美國後,即要求經紀人找人為他特別填詞。 唱片在1960年出版後大爲暢銷, 在排行榜上高踞王座達九個星期之久。 It's now or never (Elvis Presley) It's now or never, Come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, Be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, It's now or never My love wont wait. When I first saw you With your smile so tender My heart was captured, My soul surrendered I'd spend a lifetime Waiting for the right time Now that your near The time is here at last. It's now or never, Come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, Be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, It's now or never My love wont wait. Just like a willow, We would cry an ocean If we lost true love And sweet devotion Your lips excite me, Let your arms invite me For who knows when Well meet again this way It's now or never, Come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, Be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, It's now or never My love wont wait.

It's now or never (Elvis Presley)


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