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Peggy Lee是美國五十年代的歌后,

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由海地作曲家Michel Monton 在1893年譜成。

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Roger Williams 的琴鍵聲就像陣陣的秋風,

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Patsy Cline 的第一支冠軍曲

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這首歌原是西班牙文的曼波舞曲"¿Quién será?",
由墨西哥作曲家Pablo Beltrán Ruiz 在1953年譜成。

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Yesterday When I Was Young 的原作曲作詞人
翻譯成英文由鄉村歌手 Roy Clark 灌唱而轟動美國。

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這支“Beyond the Stars” 是黛比雷諾在電影
《仙樂飄飄處處聞》(The Singing Nun)裏的插曲。

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這首“Goodnight Irene”

    《Goodnight Irene》這首“Goodnight Irene”是美國經典民謠之一, 在1940年代由 Lead Belly 演唱後就開始流行, 歌詞的内容講述一位誤入歧途的老爸, 懷著懺悔的心情唱出對愛妻和家庭的留戀。 這裡由 The Weavers 灌唱的版本 在1950年的民謠排行榜上得到第一名。 Goodnight IreneIrene, goodnight, Irene, goodnight Goodnight, Irene Goodnight, Irene I'll see you in my dreams On Saturday night, I got married Me and my wife settled down Now me and my wife are parting I'm going to take another stroll downtown [chorus] Sometimes I live in the country Sometimes I live in town Sometimes I get a fool notion To jump off in the river and drown [chorus] Stop rambling, stop your gambling Stop staying out late every night Go home to your wife and family Stay there by the fireside light [chorus] Goodnight, Irene Goodnight, Irene I'll see you in my dreams

Goodnight Irene by the Weavers

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這首桃樂絲黛主唱的《Secret Love》

    桃樂絲黛:《Secret Love》桃樂絲黛(Doris Day)在1922年 生於美國俄亥俄州辛辛納提市。 從小就在歌壇上嶄露頭角, 是美國有名的歌影雙棲明星。 這首桃樂絲黛主唱的《Secret Love》 是1953年電影“Calamity Jane” (中譯《珍妮的畫像》) 的主題曲, 由 Paul Francis Webster 作詞, Sammy Fain 作曲, 在1953年為二人奪得奧斯卡金像獎。 Paul Francis Webster 和 Sammy Fain 兩人合作的作品是又快又好, 1955年再以《生死戀》主題曲 《Love is a Many Splendored Thing》 奪得奧斯卡金像獎。 桃樂絲黛唱紅的歌不少,例如 1956的希區考克電影“The Man Who Knew Too Much” (中譯《擒兇記》)也由桃樂絲黛主演, 並主唱主題曲 “Que Sera, Sera”。 那首歌奪得1956年的奧斯卡金像獎。 Secret LoveOnce I had a secret love That lived within the heart of me All too soon my secret love Became impatient to be free So I told a friendly star The way that dreamers often do Just how wonderful you are And why I'm so in love with you Now I shout it from the highest hills Even told the golden daffodils At last my hearts an open door And my secret love's no secret anymore Now I shout it from the highest hills Even told the golden daffodils At last my hearts an open door And my secret love's no secret anymore

桃樂絲黛 - Secret Love

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    傑克森五人團麥克傑克森小時候,其實是很可愛的。 他們家兄弟組成的傑克森五人組(The Jackson 5), 在1966年以後的樂壇轟動一世, 從1969到1984,有十幾首歌登上美英 流行歌曲及R&B 排行榜的前十名内。 而麥克即是五人組的主力。 這首“I’ll be There”是他們最有名的一首歌, 在1970年的流行歌曲及R&B 排行榜 都登上了第一名寶座。 在故鄉台灣飽受風災之後, 這一個曲子正好可以象徵同舟共濟的精神。 I’ll be There Michael: You and I must make a plan We must bring salvation back Where there is love I'll be there (chorus) I'll be there I'll reach out my hand to you I'll have faith in all you do Just call my name And I'll be there (chorus) I'll be there Jermaine: And, ohhhhh I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love that's strong I'll be your strength; I'll keep holdin' on chorus: holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on Jermaine: Yes I will, yes I will Michael: Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter Togetherness, girl it's all I'm after Whenever you need me I'll be there (chorus) I'll be there I'll be there to protect you Jermaine: Yeah baby With a non-selfish love that respects you Just call my name And I'll be there(chorus) I'll be there Jermaine: And ohhhhh... I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love so strong I'll be your strength; I'll keep holdin' on chorus: holdin' on, holding on,

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    祝你永遠……(May You Always)這是一支1959年的老歌, 由 Larry Markes and Dick Charles 出版。 由 The McGuire Sisters 灌唱的版本 在百大排行榜上排名十一。 May You AlwaysMay you always walk in sunshine Slumber warm when night winds blow May you always live with laughter For a smile becomes you so May good fortune find your doorway May the bluebird sing your song May no trouble travel your way May no worry stay too long May your heartaches be forgotten May no tears be spilled May old acquaintance be remembered And your cup of kindness filled And may always be a dreamer May your wildest dream come true May you find someone to love As much as I love you (May your heartaches be forgotten) (May no tears be spilled) May old acquaintance be remembered And your cup of kindness filled And may you always be a dreamer May your wildest dream come true May you find someone to love As much as I love you

    May You Always (The McGuire Sisters)

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這首歌曲是法國作曲家Francis Lai所寫,

    愛情故事(Love Story)愛情故事是1970年發行,轟動一時的愛情悲劇片。 來自富裕世家在哈佛大學念法律的 奧立佛(Ryan O'Neal飾演) 愛上出身貧困在克利扶學院念音樂的 珍尼佛(Ali MacGraw飾演)的純情故事。 主題歌曲是法國作曲家Francis Lai所寫, 替他贏得了奧斯卡金像獎及金球獎。 (Francis Lai 就是男與女主題歌的作曲者)。 這裡播放的是 Andy Williams 唱的版本。 (Where Do I Begin) Love StoryWhere do I begin To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea That simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I start With the first hello She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine There'll never be another love, another time She came into my life and made the living fine She fills my heart She fills my heart with very special things With angels' songs, with wild imaginings She fills my soul with so much love That anywhere I go I’m never lonely With her along who could be lonely I reach for her hand Its always there How long does it last Can love be measured by the hours in a day I have no answers now but this much I can say I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away And she’ll be there... How long does it last Can love be measured by the hours in a day I have no answers now but this much I can say I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away And she’ll be there...

(Where Do I Begin) Love Story (Andy Williams)

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